Institute of
Discrete Mathematics and Geometry

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Diskrete Mathematik

Info: Das Seminar AGDM der TU Wien wird gemeinsam mit Kollegen der Universität Wien veranstaltet.

Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft findet im Sommersemester an der TU Wien statt.

Ort: TU Wien, Freihaus (4., Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10), Dissertantenraum, grüner Turm (A), 8. Stock.

Aktueller Termin

Zeit: Dienstag, 15:15-16:45 Uhr,

Datum: 23.04.2024
Titel: "Broadcasting-induced colorings of preferential attachment trees"
Vortragende: Colin Desmarais (Univ. Wien)

Inhalt: A random recursive tree is a rooted tree constructed by successively choosing a vertex uniformly at random and adding a child to the selected vertex. A random preferential attachment tree is grown in a similar manner, but the vertex selection is made proportional to a linear function of the number of children of a vertex. Preferential attachment trees can be considered as the tree version of the Barabasi-Albert preferential attachment model.

We consider a red-blue coloring of the vertices of preferential attachment trees, which we call a broadcasting-induced coloring: the root is either red or blue with equal probability, while for a fixed value p between 0 and 1, every other vertex is assigned the same color as its parent with probability p and the other color otherwise. In this talk I will discuss properties of preferential attachment trees with broadcasting-induced colorings, including limit laws for the number of vertices, clusters (maximal monochromatic subtrees) and leaves of each color. The main focus of the talk will be on the size of the root cluster, that is, the maximal monochromatic subtree containing the root.

Joint work with Cecilia Holmgren and Stephan Wagner.


Vorträge in früheren Jahren

Übersicht: Vorträge Zeitraum 2005 - 2023

Bereits gehaltene Vorträge

Datum: 16.04.2024
Titel: "Combinatorics of nondeterministic walks"
Vortragender: Michael Wallner (TU Wien)

Datum: 09.04.2024
Titel: "Badly approximable vectors and best approximation"
Vortragender: Nikolay Moshchevitin (TU Wien)

Datum: 12.03.2024
Titel: "Bigraded rings and major/descent indices"
Vortragender: Balázs Szendroi (Univ. Wien)

Datum: 05.03.2024
Titel: "The Rogers-Ramanujan Identities and Ariki-Koike Algebras"
Vortragender: Ae Ja Yee (Penn State University)

Datum: 27.02.2024
Titel: "The critical beta-splitting tree"
Vortragender: Svante Janson (Univ. Uppsala)

Datum: 30.01.2024
Titel: "Refined counting of distinct partitions and Rogers-Ramanujan type identities"
Vortragender: Shishuo FU (Chongqing University)

Datum: 23.01.2024
Titel: "Algebraicity of Hypergeometric Functions with Arbitrary Parameters"
Vortragender: Florian Fürnsinn (Universität Wien)

Datum: 16.01.2024
Titel: "The feedback arc set problem on some surface graphs"
Vortragender: Vera Vertesi (Universität Wien)

Datum: 09.01.2024
Titel: "Rowmotion, Promotion and Homomesy via Toggleability Statistics"
Vortragender: Tamas Hausel (IST Austria)

Datum: 12.12.2023
Titel: "Higgs bundle tournaments"
Vortragender: Tamas Hausel (IST Austria)

Datum: 05.12.2023
Titel: "Smith Normal Form in Combinatorics"
Vortragender: Patrick Kotsch (Universität Wien)

Datum: 28.11.2023
Titel: "Unimodular Valuations beyond Ehrhart"
Vortragender: Martin Rubey (TU Wien)

Datum: 21.11.2023
Titel: "Four decorated Ferrers diagrams and Schmidt-type partition identities"
Vortragender: Ali K. Uncu (Univ. of Bath and RICAM)

Datum: 07.11.2023
Titel: "Disemisimple Lie algebras and Pre-Lie and Post-Lie algebra structures"
Vortragender: Dietrich Burde (Univ. Wien)

Datum: 31.10.2023
Titel: "Components of large meandric systems and the infinite noodle"
Vortragender: Paul Thévenin (Univ. Wien)

Datum: 24.10.2023
Titel: "Partitions, Congruence Ideals, and the Localization Method"
Vortragender: Nicolas Smoot (Univ. Wien)

Datum: 17.10.2023
Titel: "(Elliptic) $A_n$ Selberg integrals"
Vortragender: Seamus Albion (Univ. Wien)

Datum: 10.10.2023
Titel: "An elliptic extension of the multinomial theorem"
Vortragender: Michael Schlosser (Univ. Wien)