Conference on Convex and Discrete Geometry

on the occasion of the retirement of Peter M. Gruber

July 13-17, 2009


Monday, July 13, 2009

08:30–09:30 Registration
09:30–10:00 Opening
10:00–10:50 Rolf Schneider, Freiburg
The many appearances of zonoids
Coffee break
11:20–12:10 Günter M. Ziegler, Berlin
Some centrally-symmetric polytopes
Lunch break
14:00–14:50 Paul Goodey, Norman
Some stereological results for non-symmetric convex bodies
15:00–15:25 Konrad Swanepoel, Chemnitz
Maximal pairwise touching families of translates of a convex body
15:35–16:00 Karoly Böröczky, Budapest
A characterization of balls
Coffee break
16:30–16:55 Ivan Netuka, Prague
Jensen measures and harmonic measures
17:05–17:30 Rajinder Hans-Gill, Chandigarh
On conjectures of Minkowski & Woods
17:40–18:05 Nikolai Dolbilin, Moscow
19:00 Welcome Reception

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

09:00–09:50 Keith Ball, London
Superexpanders and Markov cotype in the work of Mendel and Naor
10:00–10:25 Apostolos Giannopoulos, Athens
Asymptotic shape of a random polytope in a convex body
Coffee break
11:00–11:50 Stefano Campi, Siena
Estimating intrinsic volumes of a convex body from finitely many tomographic data
Lunch break
14:00–14:50 Richard Gardner, Bellingham
Capacities, Surface Area, and Radial Sums
15:00–15:25 Carla Peri, Milan
On some new results in discrete tomography
15:35–16:00 Aljoša Volčič, Cosenza
Random symmetrizations of measurable sets
Poster Session, Coffee break
16:45–17:10 Luis Montejano, Mexico City
Topology and Transversal
17:20–17:45 Margarita Spirova, Chemnitz
Bodies of constant width in Minkowski geometry and related coverings problems

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

09:00–09:50 Peter McMullen, London
Translation tilings by polytopes
10:00–10:25 Semyon Alesker, Tel Aviv
Product on valuations
Coffee break
11:00–11:25 Andreas Bernig, Fribourg
Integral geometry of transitive group actions
11:35–12:00 Bo'az Klartag, Tel Aviv
On nearly radial marginals of high-dimensional probability measures

Thursday, July 16, 2009

09:00–09:50 Imre Barany, Budapest
Simultaneous partitions by k-fans
10:00–10:25 Iskander Aliev, Cardiff
On Feasibility of Integer Knapsacks
Coffee break
11:00–11:50 Martin Henk, Magdeburg
Successive minima type inequalities
Lunch break
14:00–14:40 Chuanming Zong, Beijing
Geometry of Numbers in Vienna
14:50–15:15 Nikolai Dolbilin & Arkadii Maltsev, Moscow
Sergey Ryshkov
15:25–15:50 Gabor Fejes Tóth, Budapest
László Fejes Tóth
Coffee break
16:20–17:00 David Larman, London
Victor Klee and Ambrose Rogers
17:10–17:35 Jörg Wills, Siegen
Edmund Hlawka
19:00 Conference Dinner

Friday, July 17, 2009

09:00–09:50 Vitali Milman, Tel Aviv
Duality and rigidity for families of convex functions
10:00–10:25 Wolfgang Weil, Karlsruhe
Integral geometry of translation invariant functionals
10:35–11:00 Daniel Hug, Karlsruhe
Typical cells and faces in Poisson hyperplane mosaics
Coffee break
11:30–11:55 Idzhad Kh. Sabitov, Moscow
On the notion of combinatorial p-parametricity of polyhedra
12:05–12:55 Serguei Novikov, Moscow
New Discretization of Complex Analysis (DCA)