National Research Network S9600
Analytic Combinatorics and Probabilistic Number Theory

Analytic Combinatorics and Probabilistic Number Theory:
Closing Conference of the FWF-Network

July 2 - 6, 2012, TU Wien, Vienna (Austria)

On this site you can find the following informations:


The conference marks the closing of the National Research Network "Analytic Combinatorics and Probabilistic Number Theory" and shall give an account of the subjects covered by this network:

  • Dynamical systems

  • Enumerative and Analytic combinatorics

  • Probabilistic number theory

  • Uniform distribution and numerical integration

The main intention is to give an overview over the achievements and the future perspectives in these areas with an emphasis on the thematic context of the network.


Plenary Speakers

  • Vitaly Bergelson (Ohio State University)

  • Philippe Di Franceso (CEA Saclay)

  • Manfred Einsiedler (ETH Zürich)

  • Mihyun Kang (TU Graz)

  • Harald Niederreiter (RICAM Linz)

  • Joël Rivat (Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille)

  • Gerald Tenenbaum (Université de Nancy)

  • Henryk Wozniakowski (Columbia University)

Location and Time

The conference takes place in lecture hall "Nöbauer FH8" in the second floor (yellow area) of the FREIHAUS of the TU Wien. The address is Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10, 1040 Wien.

The scientific program will start on Monday, July 2, in the morning and finish on Friday, July 6, noon.


Monday, July 2

09:30 Registration

10:15 Opening
10:30 Mihyun Kang (TU Graz): Phase transitions in random graph processes
12:00 Joël Rivat (Univ. Marseille): On the digits of primes and polynomial sequences

14:00 István Berkes (TU Graz): Project "Probabilistic Discrepancy Theory and Diophantine Equations"
14:30 Christoph Aistleitner: The central limit theorem for lacunary function systems

15:30 Michael Drmota (TU Wien): Project "Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorics"
16:00 Veronika Kraus (UMIT): On the number of transversals in random trees
16:30 Friedrich Pillichshammer (Univ. Linz): Project "Discrepancy of Digital Nets and Sequences"
17:00 Peter Kritzer (Univ. Linz): Hybrid Point Sets: Diaphony and Worst-Case Integration Error

Tuesday, July 3

09:30 Harald Niederreiter (RICAM Linz): Randomness and Complexity of Sequences over Finite Fields
11:00 Gérald Tenenbaum (Univ. Nancy): On the distribution of divisors, a survey

13:30 Robert Tichy (TU Graz): Projekt "The Hardy-Littlewood Method in the Analysis of Digit Problems and Enumerative Combinatorics"
13:50 Manfred Madritsch and William Mance (TU Graz): The construction of normal numbers

15:00 Benoit Loridant (MU Leoben, TU Wien): Project "Digital Systems and Fractals: Analytic, Topological, and Algorithmic Aspects"
15:30 Anima Nagar (IIT Dehli): Factors of Beta-shifts
16:00 Clemens Heuberger (TU Graz): Project "Analysis of Digital Expansions with Applications in Cryptography"
16:30 Daniel Krenn (TU Graz): Non-Adjacent Forms: Optimality and Analysis

Wednesday, July 4

09:30 Vitaly Bergelson (Ohio State Univ.): Generalized polynomials, recurrence, uniform distribution and translations on nil-manifolds
10:30 Manfred Einsiedler (ETH Zürich): Divisibility properties of integer quaternions and adelic equidistribution

12:00 Reinhard Winkler (TU Wien): Project "Metric and Topological Aspects of Number Theoretical Problems"
12:30 Matthias Beiglböck (Univ. Wien): Ultrafilters in Combinatorics

Free afternoon

Thursday, July 5

09:30 Philippe Di Francesco (CEA Saclay): A proof of the positivity and periodicity conjectures for T-systems

11:00 Henryk Wozniakowski (Columbia Univ.): Multivariate Integration of Infinitely Many Times Differentiable Functions in Weighted Korobov Spaces

13:30 Christian Krattenthaler (Univ. Wien): Project "Combinatorics of Generalized Partitions and Hypergeometric Series"
14:00 Martin Rubey (Univ. Wien): Crossings

15:00 Alois Panholzer (TU Wien): Project "Combinatorial Analysis of Data Structures and Tree-Like Structures"
15:30 Markus Kuba (TU Wien): Analysis of diminishing urn models

Heurigen Evening: Feuerwehr Wagner, Grinzinger Straße 53.

Friday, July 6

10:30 Klaus Schmidt (Univ. Wien): Project "Z^d-Actions and their Symbolic Representations"
11:00 Martin Goell (Leiden University): Algebraic actions of the discrete Heisenberg group
11:30 Peter Grabner (TU Graz): Project "Combinatorics and Dynamics of Numeration Systems"
12:00 Marcia Edson (TU Graz): Calculating the Garsia entropy in linear numeration systems

12:30 Closing of the Conference


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