FWF Logo National Research Network S9600
Analytic Combinatorics and Probabilistic Number Theory

Research Groups

Probabilistic Discrepancy Theory and Diophantine Equations
Principal Investigator: István Berkes
Co-Investigator: Robert Tichy

Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorics
Principal Investigator: Michael Drmota
Co-Investigator: Bernhard Gittenberger

Combinatorics and Dynamics of Numeration Systems
Principal Investigator: Peter Grabner

Analysis of Digital Expansions with Applications in Cryptography
Principal Investigator: Clemens Heuberger
Co-Investigator: Peter Grabner

Combinatorics of Generalized Partitions and Hypergeometric Series
Principal Investigator: Christian Krattenthaler
Co-Investigators: Ilse Fischer, Michael Schlosser

Combinatorial Analysis of Data Structures and Tree-Like Structures
Principal Investigator: Alois Panholzer

Discrepancy of Digital Nets and Sequences
Principal Investigator: Friedrich Pillichshammer
Co-Investigator: Wolfgang Schmid

Digital Systems and Fractals: Analytic, Topological, and Algorithmic Aspects
Principal Investigator: Jörg Thuswaldner
Co-Investigator: Peter Kirschenhofer

The Hardy-Littlewood Method in the Analysis of Digit Problems and Enumerative Combinatorics
Principal Investigator: Robert Tichy
Co-Investigator: Jörg Thuswaldner

Metric and Topological Aspects of Number Theoretical Problems
Principal Investigator: Reinhard Winkler
Co-Investigator: Gerhard Dorfer

Z^d-Actions and their Symbolic Representations
Principal Investigator: Klaus Schmidt