The 22nd International Conference on

Vienna, August 4-8, 2025

About The Conference

We are pleased to announce that the 22nd International Conference on Random Structures & Algorithms "RS&A 2025" will be held at TU Wien in Vienna, Austria. The conference, organised biennially since 1983, brings together probabilists, discrete mathematicians and theoretical computer scientists working in probabilistic methods, random structures and randomized algorithms.


TU Wien, Vienna


Monday to Friday
August 4-8, 2025

Conference Venue

Technische Universität Wien
Institut für Diskrete Mathematik und Geometrie

Wiedner Hauptstraße 8–10
1040 Vienna, Austria

Plenary Speakers

Alan Frieze

Alan Frieze

Carnegie Mellon University Karonski Lecture
Catherine Greenhill

Catherine Greenhill

UNSW Sydney
Svante Janson

Svante Janson

Uppsala University
Shoham Letzter

Shoham Letzter

University College London
Will Perkins

Will Perkins

Georgia Institute of Technology
Lisa Sauermann

Lisa Sauermann

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Mehtaab Sawhney

Mehtaab Sawhney

Columbia University
Vincent Tassion

Vincent Tassion

ETH Zürich

Conference Program

Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Coming soon...

Random Run

It is a run for a random distance, which is a sum of the outcomes of two dice being tossed. Random experiment: independent sequential tossing of two dice.


There are two dice. Before the start one die is tossed and the runners run a number of laps indicated. Meanwhile the second die is tossed and all runners continue to run an additional number of laps being announced. The number of laps in the second round is shown when the leading runners are finishing their last lap of the first round. To avoid any confusion, each runner will be assigned a starting number and a coach. Your coach will make sure that you have ran the appropriate number of laps by telling you the number of laps to go every time you pass him. You will get to know your coach before the run.

Travel and accommodation

Vienna is a city in Central Europe that is easy to reach and offers a wide range of accommodation options.

Coming to the TU Wien

There are direct flights from many cities to Vienna, and the city centre is accessible from the airport in less than 30 minutes.

Once at the airport, there are two connections to the city centre: either the CAT line (16 minutes non-stop, 14.90 € for one-way, 24.90 € for a two-way ticket), or the S7 line (25 minutes, 4.40 € for a one-way ticket including the public transport system in Vienna), or the usual railway to “Hauptbahnhof” (16 minutes non-stop, 3.90 € for a one-way ticket). CAT and S7 go daily every 30 minutes to Wien Mitte, which is located in the heart of Vienna. There, you can easily reach the University via the subway line U4, at Karlsplatz (2 stops, direction Hütteldorf). From “Hauptbahnhof” you reach the TU Wien via the subway line U1, at Karlsplatz (2 stops, direction Leopoldau).

Taxis are quite expensive, however, there are companies with flat rates that you can prebook (for example € 33.- with Airport Driver).

For more information about Vienna visit


Organising Committee

  • Michael Drmota (chair)
  • Mihyun Kang
  • Matthew Kwan
  • Benedikt Stufler

International Oversight Committee

  • Tom Bohman, Carnegie Mellon University (chair)
  • Penny Haxell, University of Waterloo
  • Mihyun Kang, Graz University of Technology
  • Tomasz Łuczak, Adam Mickiewicz University
  • Oliver Riordan, Oxford University
  • Benny Sudakov, ETH
  • Wojciech Samotij, Tel Aviv University

Previous RS&A Conferences


It is required that every participant of the 22nd International Conference on Random Structures & Algorithms registers and pays the conference fee (potential funding for young researchers concerns support in accommodation, see below).

The registration fee covers: conference attendance and the possiblity to give a talk, reception at the TU Wien, coffee breaks, lunch at mensa, conference dinner, and the random run.

Registration will take place via the ConfTool, where you will need to create an account (if you do not already have one), then complete the registration form and pay the conference fee (payment by credit card).

Registration system will open very soon....

Conference fee: Regular Participant Student/Ph.D. Student
Early Bird (until 30/Apr/2025) 240 € 150 €
Standard (from 01/May/2025) 320 € 180 €

Funding for Young researchers

If you need financial assistance, the organisers can arrange accommodation in Vienna for students and those unable to finance their own stay.


Contact Person

Michael Drmota


Institut für Diskrete Mathematik und Geometrie, TU Wien
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8–10, A–1040 Wien, Austria
Freihaus, Tower A, 5th floor, room DAO5L16
