Convex and Discrete Geometry
Peter M. Gruber

  1. Eine Erweiterung des Blichfeldtschen Satzes mit einer Anwendung auf inhomogene Linearformen.
    Monatsh.Math. 71 (1967) 143-147
    MR 35 1556

  2. Über das Produkt inhomogener Linearformen
    Herrn Prof.E.Hlawka zum 50.Geburtstag gewidmet
    Acta Arith. 13 (1967) 9-27
    Zbl 153 71
    MR 36 3729

  3. Zur Gitterüberdeckung des Rn durch Sternkörper
    S.-ber.Österr.Akad.Wiss.Math.-natwiss.Kl.(2) 176 (1967) 1-7
    Zbl 164
    MR 38 720

  4. Über einige Resultate in der Geometrie der Zahlen
    Coll.Math.Soc.J.Bolyai 2 (Number Theory) (1968) 105-110
    Zbl 213 60
    MR 42 7599

  5. Zur Charakterisierung konvexer Körper. Über einen Satz von Rogers und Shephard. I
    Math.Ann. 181 (1969) 189-200
    Zbl 159 517, 172 474
    MR 39 6171

  6. Bemerkungen zum Umkehrproblem für den Minkowskischen Linearformensatz
    Ann.Univ.Sci.Budapest 13 (1970) 5-10
    Zbl 213 59
    MR 47 4935

  7. Zur Charakterisierung konvexer Körper. Über einen Satz von Rogers und Shephard. II
    Math.Ann. 184 (1970) 79-105
    Zbl 186 557
    MR 41 922

  8. Über einen Satz von Remak in der Geometrie der Zahlen
    J.reine angew.Math. 245 (1970) 107-118
    Zbl 207 356
    MR 42 7598

  9. Über die Durchschnitte von translationsgleichen Polyedern
    Monatsh.Math. 47 (1970) 223-238
    MR 43 3909

  10. Über eine Kennzeichnung von Simplices des Rn
    Arch.Math. 22 (1971) 94-102
    Zbl 215 506
    MR 44 5859

  11. Kennzeichnende Eigenschaften von euklidischen Räumen und Ellipsoiden I
    J.reine angew.Math. 256(1974) 61-83

  12. Kennzeichnende Eigenschaften von euklidischen Räumen und Ellipsoiden I
    J.reine angew.Math. 270 (1974) 123-142
    Zbl 291 52004
    MR 54 5974

  13. Kennzeichnende Eigenschaften von euklidischen Räumen und Ellipsoiden III
    Herrn Prof.Dr.N.Hofreiter zum 70.Geburtstag gewidmet
    Monatsh.Math. 78 (1974) 311-340
    Zbl 291 52005

  14. Kontrahierende Radialprojektionen in normierten Räumen
    Boll.U.Mat.Ital. (4) 11 (1975) 10-21
    Zbl 338 747029
    MR 51 13648

  15. Fixpunktmengen von Kontraktionen in endlichdimensionalen normierten Räumen
    Herrn Prof.Dr.Edmund Hlawka zum 60.Geburtstag gewidmet
    Geom.Dedicata 4 (1975) 179-198
    Zbl 318 47031
    MR 57 1279

  16. Eine Bemerkung über DOTU-Matrizen
    J.Number Theory 8 (1976) 350-351

  17. Kennzeichnungen von Ellipsoiden mit Anwendungen
    Jahrbuch Überblicke Mathematik 1976 (1976) 9-29
    Zbl 32552006
    MR 53 11494

  18. Über ein Problem von Eggleston aus der Konvexität
    S.-ber.Österr.Akad.Wiss.Abt.II 185 (1976) 31-41
    Zbl 355 52002
    MR 56 13113

  19. Über den Durchschnitt einer abnehmenden Folge von Parallelepipeden
    Elemente Math. 32 (1977) 13-15
    Zbl 342 52012
    MR 55 11150

  20. Die meisten konvexen Körper sind glatt, aber nicht zu glatt
    Math.Ann. 229 (1977) 259-266
    Zbl 342 52009, 349 52004
    MR 56 1202

  21. Stability of isometries
    Trans.Amer.Math.Soc. 245 (1978) 263-277
    Zbl 393 41020
    MR 81a 410533

  22. Isometries of the space of convex bodies of Ed
    Mathematika 25 (1978) 270-278
    Zbl 403 52002
    MR 80c 52005

  23. Durchschnitte und Vereinigungen monotoner Folgen spezieller konvexer Körper
    Abh.Math.Sem.Univ.Hamburg 49 (1979) 189-197
    Zbl 389 52013, 404 52010
    MR 81a 52004

  24. Geometry of Numbers
    In: J.Tölke, J.M.Wills, eds.: Contributions to Geometry
    Proc.Geometry Symposium, Siegen, 1978) 184-223
    Birkhäuser-Verlag, Basel-Boston-Stuttgart 1979
    Zbl 425 10035
    MR 81h 10044

  25. Isometries of the space of compact subsets of Ed
    Studia Sci.Math.Hungar. 14 (1979) 169-181
    Zbl 484 52011

  26. Isometrien des Konvexringes
    Colloquium Math. 43 (1980) 99-109
    Zbl 462 52003
    MR 82i 52011

  27. The space of compact subsets of Ed
    Geom.Dedicata 9 (1980) 87-90
    Zbl 432 54008
    MR 81a 41053

  28. Isometries of the space of convex bodies of Euclidean space
    Bull.London Math.Soc. 12 (1980) 455-462
    MR 81m 52010

  29. Approximation of convex bodies by polytopes
    C.R.Bulgar.Acad.Sci. 34 (1981) 621-622
    Zbl 474 52007
    MR 83e 52007

  30. Beiträge zum Umkehrproblem für den Minkowskischen Linearformensatz 
    Acta.Math.Acad.Sci.Hungar. 39 (1982) 135-141
    Zbl 488 10028

  31. Approximation of convex bodies by polytopes
    Rend.Circ.Mat.Palermo (2) 31 (1982) 195-225
    Zbl 494 52003
    MR 84d 52004

  32. Isometries of spaces of compact or compact convex subsets of metric manifolds
    Monatsh.Math. 93 (1982) 117-126
    Zbl 449 52005
    MR 84b 52008

  33. Isometries of the space of convex bodies contained in a Euclidean ball
    Israel J.Math. 42 (1982) 277-283
    Zbl 502 52006
    MR 85e 52020

  34. Seven small pearls from convexity
    Math.Intelligencer 5 (1983) 16-19
    Zbl 517 52001
    MR 85h 52001

  35. Approximation of convex bodies
    In: P.M.Gruber, J.M.Willls ed.: Convexity and its applications 131-162,
    Birkhäuser-Verlag, Basel-Boston-Stuttgart 1983
    MR 85d 52001

  36. In most cases approximation is irregular
    Rend.Sem.Mat.Univers.Politecn.Torino 41 (1983) 19-33
    MR 86h 41036

  37. Planar Chebyshev sets
    Dedicated to Academician L.Iliev on the occasion of his 70th birthday
    In: Mathematical Structures, Computational Mathematics,
    Mathematical Modelling, Papers dedicated to Academican
    L.Iliev's 70th Anniversary 2, 184-191, Publ.House Bulgar.Sci., Sofia 1984

  38. Aspects of convexity and its applications
    expositiones mathematicae 2 (1984) 47-83
    Zbl 525 52001
    MR 86f 52001

  39. Billards
    In: Potsdamer Forschungen, Geometrie und Anwendungen 
    (5.Tagung der Fachsektion Geometrie der MBDDR 
    Zechliner Hütte, 1984), B 42 (1984) 19-22
    Zbl 626 52006

  40. Results of Baire category type in convexity
    In: J.Goodmann, E.Lutwak, E.Malkewitsch, J.Pollack,
    eds.: Discrete geometry and convexity
    Ann.New York Acad.Sci. 440 (1985) 163-169
    MR 87d 52005

  41. Typical convex bodies have surprisingly few neighours in densest lattice packings
    Dedicated to my dear friend Prof.Dr.László Fejes Tóth
    on the occasion of his 70th birthday
    Studia Sci.Math.Hungar. 21 (1986) 165-175
    Zbl 545 52008
    MR 88g 1103

  42. Characterizations of ellipsoids
    Arch.Math. 49 (1987) 344-350
    Zbl 595 52004
    MR 88j 52006

  43. Geometry of numbers, 2nd ed. xv+732 S.
    To our teacher, colleague and dear friend Edmund Hlawka
    North-Holland, Amsterdam 1987
    Zbl 611 10017
    MR 85j 11034

  44. Radons Beiträge zur Konvexität/Radon's contributions to convexity
    In: Johann Radon, Gesammelte Abhandlungen I, 331-342
    Verl.Österr.Akad.Wiss., Wien; Birkhäuser-Verlag,
    Basel-Boston-Stuttgart 1987

  45. Minimal ellipsoids and their duals
    Rend.Circolo Mat.Palermo (2) 37 (1988) 35-64
    MR 90C 52027
    Zbl 673 52002

  46. Volume approximation of convex bodies by inscribed polytopes
    Dedicated to the memory of my dear friend
    Professor Dr.Wilfried Nöbauer (1928-1988)
    Math.Ann. 281 (1988) 229-245
    MR 89h 52003
    Zbl 628 52006

  47. Facet-to-facet implies face-to-face
    Europ.J.Combinat. 10 (1989) 83-84
    MR 89m 52023
    Zbl 664 52011

  48. Lattice points. viii+ 184S.
    (gem.m.P.Erdös, J.Hammer)
    To László Fejes Tóth
    Longman Scientific & Technical, Harlow, Essex;
    J.Wiley, New York, 1989
    MR 90g 11081
    Zbl 683 10025

  49. Shadow boundaries of typical convex bodies
    Measure properties
    Mathematika 36 (1989) 142-152
    Zbl 667 52002
    MR 90i 52004

  50. Dimension and structure of typical compact sets, continua and curves
    Dedicated to Professor Leopold Schmetterer
    on the occasion of his 70th birthday
    Monatsh.Math. 108 (1989) 149-164
    Zbl 666 28005
    MR 90k 54052

  51. The only convex surfaces with planar distance circles are spheres
    198 (1989) 211-225
    MR 91h 52002
    Zbl 741 52005

  52. Zur Geschichte der Konvexgeometrie und der Geometrie der Zahlen
    In: Festschr. zum 100.Geburtstag der DMV
    (ed.: W.Scharlau), 421-455
    Vieweg, Wiesbaden 1990
    MR 92c 01029
    Zbl 864 11004

  53. Geodesics on typical convex surfaces
    In memoriam Antonio Pignedoli (1918-1989)
    Atti Acc.Naz.Lincei, Cl.Sci.Fis.Mat.Natur. 82 (1988) 651-659 (1990)
    Zbl 741 52006
    MR 93a 53054

  54. Convex Billiards
    Dedicated to Professor Curt Christian 
    on the occasion of his 70th birthday
    Geom.Dedicata 33 (1990) 205-226,
    Zbl 696 52001
    MR 92a 58072

  55. Generic properties of compact starshaped sets
    Proc.Amer.Math.Soc. 108 (1990) 207-214
    MR 90d 52008
    Zbl 683 52008

  56. Volume approximation of convex bodies by circumscribed polytopes
    In: Victor Klee Festschrift (eds.: P.Gritzmann, B.Sturmfels) 309-317, DIMACS Series 4
    Amer.Math.Soc. 1991
    MR 92k 52009

  57. A typical convex surface contains no closed geodesic!
    J.reine angew.Math. 416 (1991) 195-205
    MR 92e 53057

  58. The endomorphisms of the lattice of convex bodies
    Abh.Math.Sem.Univ.Hamburg 61 (1991) 121-130
    MR 92h 52003
    Zbl 754 52006

  59. Your picture is everywhere
    In ricordo dell'insigne geometra Renato Calapso
    Rend.Sem.Mat.Messina (II), 1 (1991) 123-128 (1996)
    MR 95f 52003

  60. The endomorphisms of the lattice of norms in finite dimensions
    Abh.Math.Sem.Univ.Hamburg 62 (1992) 179-189
    MR 93i 52005
    Zbl 779 52006

  61. History of convexity
    In: Handbook of convex geometry (eds.: P.Gruber, J.Wills)
    Elsevier, North-Holland, Amsterdam 1993 A, 1-15
    MR 95f 01042
    Zbl 791 52001

  62. The space of convex bodies
    ibid. A, 301-318
    MR 95c 52005
    Zbl 791 52004

  63. Geometry of numbers
    ibid. B, 739-763
    Zbl 788 11022
    MR 94k 11074

  64. Baire categories in convexity
    ibid. B, 1327-1346
    MR 94i 52003
    Zbl 791 52002

  65. Asymptotic estimates for best and stepwise approximation of convex bodies I
    Forum Math. 5 (1993) 281-297
    Zbl 780 52005, 791 52007
    MR 94e 52006

  66. Asymptotic estimates for best and stepwise approximation of convex bodies II
    Forum Math. 5 (1993) 521-538
    Zbl 788 41020
    MR 94k 52009

  67. Aspects of approximation of convex bodies
    In: Handbook of convex geometry (eds.: P.Gruber, J.Wills)
    Elsevier, North-Holland, Amsterdam 1993
    A, 319-345
    MR 95b 52003

  68. Characterization of spheres by stereographic projection
    Arch.Math. 60 (1993) 290-295
    Zbl 780 52002
    MR 94d 52001

  69. Approximation by convex polytopes
    In: Polytopes: Abstract, Convex and Computational
    (eds.: T.Bisztriczky et al.) 173-203
    Kluwer, Dordrecht 1994
    Zbl 824 52007
    MR 95m 52010

  70. How well can space be packed with smooth bodies?
    Measure theoretic results
    J.London Math.Soc. (2) 52 (1995) 1-14
    Zbl 846 52007
    MR 97c 52043

  71. A Helmholtz-Lie type characterization of ellipsoids I
    The László Fejes Tóth Festschrift
    Discrete Comput. Geom. 13 (1995) 517-527
    MR 95j 52006
    Zbl 824 52006

  72. Only ellipsoids have caustics
    Math.Ann. 303 (1995) 185-194
    MR 96j 520083

  73. A Helmholtz-Lie type characterization of ellipsoids II
    Discrete Comput.Geom. 16 (1996) 55-67
    Zbl 864 52005
    MR 97h 52002

  74. Expectation of random polytopes
    Dedicated to my teacher and friend Professor Edmund Hlawka
    on the occasion of his 80th birthday
    Manuscripta Math. 91 (1996) 393-419
    Zbl 873 52006

  75. Stability of Blaschke's characterization of ellipsoids and Radon norms
    Discrete Comput.Geom. 17 (1997) 411-427
    Zbl 887 52002
    MR 98d 52005

  76. Asymptotic estimates for best and stepwise approximation of convex bodies III
    Forum Math. 9 (1997) 383-404
    Zbl 889 52006

  77. Basic problems and recent progress in convex geometry
    Proc.4th Int.Conf.Geometry, Thessaloniki 1996, 22-33
    Acad.Athen, Univ.Thessaloniki 1997
    MR 98j 52001
    Zbl 901 52004

  78. A comparison of best and random approximation of convex bodies by polytopes
    Rend.Circ.Mat.Palermo (II) Suppl.50 (1997) 189-216
    Zbl 89b 52014
    MR 98m 52008

  79. Asymptotic estimates for best and stepwise approximation of convex bodies IV
    Forum Math. 10 (1998) 665-686 (pdf)

  80. Optimal arrangements of finite point sets in Riemannian 2-manifolds
    Trudy Mat.Inst.Steklov 225 (1999) 160-167
    Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 225 (1999) 148-155 (pdf)

  81. Ellipsoids are the most symmetric convex bodies
    Arch.Math. 73 (1999) 394-400

  82. A short analytic proof of Fejes Tóth's theorem on sums of moments
    Aequationes Math. 58 (1999) 291-295 (pdf)

  83. Professor Jarnik's contributions to the Geometry of Numbers
    In: Life and work of Vojtéch Jarnìk, 17-22
    Soc. Czech Math. and Phys., Prometheus, Praha 1999

  84. In many cases optimal configurations are almost regular hexagonal
    Rend. Mat. Palermo II Suppl. 65 (2000) 121-145 (pdf)

  85. Optimal configurations of finite sets in Riemannian 2-manifolds
    Geom. Dedicata 84 (2001) 271-320 (pdf)

  86. Error of asymptotic formulae for volume approximation of convex bodies in E3
    Trudy Mat. Steklov. 239 (2002) 106-117
    Proc. Steklov. Inst. Math. 239 (2002) 96-107 (pdf)

  87. Error of asymptotic formulae for volume approximation of convex bodies in Ed
    Monatsh. Math. 135 (2002) 279-304 (pdf)

  88. Optimale Quantisierung
    Math. Semesterber. 49 (2003) 227-251 (ps)

  89. Optimum quantization and its applications
    Adv. Math. 186 (2004) 456-497 (pdf)

  90. An arithmetic proof of John's ellipsoid theorem
    with F. Schuster
    Arch. Math. (Basel) 85 (2005) 82-88 (pdf)

  91. Lattice points in large Borel sets and successive minima
    with I. Aliev
    Discrete Comput. Geom. 35 (2006) 429-435 (pdf)

  92. Best simultaneous Diophantine Approximation under a constraint on the denominator
    with I. Aliev Contrib. Discr. Math. (electronic) 1 (2006) 29-46 (pdf)

  93. An optimal lower bound for the Frobenius problem
    with I. Aliev
    J. Number Theory 123 (2007) 71-79

  94. Convex and Discrete Geometry
    Grundlehren Math. Wiss. 336
    Springer, Heidelberg 2007

  95. Application of an idea of Voronoi to John type problems
    Adv. Math. 218 (2008) 309-351

  96. Geometry of Numbers, Russ. Übers.
    Nauka, Moskau 2008

  97. Geometry of the cone of positive quadratic forms
    Forum Math. 21 (2009) 147-166

  98. A note on semigroups, groups and geometric lattices
    (with P.Flor)
    Arch.Math.(Basel), 93 (2009) 253-258

  99. Voronoi type criteria for lattice coverings with balls
    Acta Arith. 149 (2011) 371-381

  100. John and Loewner ellipsoids
    Discr. Comput. Geom. 46 (2011) 776-788

  101. Uniqueness of lattice packings and coverings of extreme density
    Adv. Geom. 11 (2011) 691-710

  102. Lattice packing and covering of convex bodies
    Trudy Mat. Sbornik, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 275 (2011) 229-238

  103. Application of an idea of Voronoi to lattice zeta functions
    Trudy Mat. Sbornik, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 276 (2012) 103-124

  104. Application of an idea of Voronoi, a report
    In: Geometry: Intuitive, Discrete, and Convex
    Bolyai Soc., Math. Studies 24 (2013) 109-157

  105. Application of an idea of Voronoi to lattice packing
    Ann. Math. Pura Appl. (4) 193 (2014) 939-959

  106. Normal bundles of convex bodies
    Adv. in Math. 254 (2014) 419-453

  107. Application of an idea of Voronoi to lattice packing, supplement
    Ann. Math. Pura Appl. 195 (2015) 473-487

  108. Claude Ambrose Rogers 1st November 1920 - 5th December 2005
    (with K.Falconer, A.Ostaszewski, T.Stuart)
    Biographical Memoirs of the Fellows of the Royal Society 61 (2015) 403-435

  109. Extremum properties of lattice packing and covering with circles
    Adv. of Geom. 16 (2016) 93-110